Spring is here, and if you’re anything like us, you’re itching to get into your garden. Our Manufacturing Waste Diversion program supplies us with a consistent supply of high-quality materials that are perfect for the garden. Here are a few of our favorite materials and the different ways you can use them in the garden. Shop in store or online today.
Use netting as a trellis
This thick netting from a local manufacturer is perfect for protecting your chickens and other baby farm animals from predators. Drape the netting over the top of your fencing or animal run to keep birds of prey at bay. Or drape it over garden hoops to keep marauding deer at bay.
This ultra-tough netting is also an excellent climbing medium for vegetables. Build a frame and stretch the netting across to use as a trellis for peas, cucumbers, squash and roses.
Pallet crates make ideal raised garden beds
These heat-treated pallet crates make excellent raised garden beds. The process of heat treatment ensures they are chemical free and perfect for growing edible plants. Simply fill with your favorite growing medium and you have an instant garden.
Growing vegetables in buckets
These buckets are food safe and have endless possibilities.
Use them to store garden supplies or for shed organization. Affix buckets to the side of a wall or arrange on shelves to store your favorite garden tools, selection of seeds, or potting supplies
Five-gallon buckets also make great portable gardens. Drill a few holes (we recommend one hole every 3 inches) and fill with your favorite growing medium for an instant veggie garden. Five-gallon buckets make great planters for tomatoes, cucumbers, melons, beans, onions, lettuce and more.
Build a greenhouse with solar glass
Our supply of tempered solar glass, from a local solar panel manufacturer, is an ideal material for greenhouses, cold frames, outdoor showers and even fences. Build a simple wooden frame for this ultra-strong glass and you’ll be able to extend the Pacific Northwest growing season by many weeks or months.
Our greenhouse plans – designed using these tempered glass panels – are now available for free. Download your PDF copy of the DIY Greenhouse plans. Get a jump start on your project by shopping our inventory of solar glass in our online store.
Bricks can be used in your garden and on your property in infinite ways. We have a steady supply of bricks from local manufactures. They are excellent for lining out walkways, building up raised garden beds, or for piling up into a nesting area for local pollinators.
And the best part? When you use these materials in your garden, you’re reducing waste by diverting material from the landfill! Everything sourced by our Manufacturing Waste Diversion program is recovered manufacturing by-product.
We want to see how you reuse materials in your garden. Share your finished project with us on social media.