Wow! We’re still riding on cloud 9 from this year’s Rockin’ for The RE Store! We had so much fun dancing and sharing time with you all.
It’s easy to look back on Rockin’ and think we have to measure it’s success by the amount of money raised; it’s a fundraiser after all! (We did hit our goal, and boy does our Community Jobs Training program thank you!) But in Bellingham, in this environment, we’re choosing to measuring the night by the community feel. And hot dang did we feel it on Friday. We felt it in each one of you that we saw smiling across the crowd, with each friend that cheers’ed and toast’ed with us, and with each of you that said how welcome they feel at The RE Store. Check out the photos to see the fun.
Our raffle prizes went to three very deserving winners, ticket numbers 0688, 0820 and 0932. The winner of the bike hadn’t upgraded since high school! The winner of The Willows dinner has a birthday coming up. The winner of the date night package never wins anything and is excited for a relaxing night out. We’re so thankful to each of you that bought a raffle ticket to support our Community Jobs Training program and we wish you luck next year!
We’re so lucky to have each of you as part of our community. The RE Store, and Bellingham, thrives because of you!
As always, a HUGE thanks to each one of our sponsors. You are the rockstars of the night, and we couldn’t have done it without you.
See you all next year!