Peak Moment – an online television series featuring folks working to create a more sustainable, resilient and lower-energy future – has interviewed Jim Bristow, designer/builder with Bristow Enterprises, and an avid customer and friend of The RE Store. This Ballard residence has been transformed, with every last detail thought through with sustainability in mind, and not just from the angle of buying green materials, reducing energy consumption, and installing solar panels but contributing less to the consumption cycle too. For example, Jim did this by reusing materials from the original house, felled trees from his properties, and finding salvage materials from yours truly (we are specifically mentioned around 7:40). He also stayed within the original building footprint and found creative ways to carve out space in what was already there as well as updating and modernizing with reused materials as much as possible. He also speaks to his plans for his cistern and RainWise garden in the video – and on that note, we should mention that we will be having a workshop this fall about the RainWise program with Jim at the Seattle store (date TBD). Check out the video, and come meet Jim this fall!