Recycled Arts & Fashions have been selected!

A sampling of winning submissions for Recycled Arts & Trash Fashions

Over the last week or so, juries in both Seattle and Bellingham have been feverishly deliberating over all the amazing submissions we’ve received for Recycled Arts, Functional Art & Trash Fashions shows.  Many great pieces, and lots of talented folks – makes us wish we had unlimited space to accept everything into the shows!  But, alas, our job was a difficult one, and the competition fierce.  Thanks so much to all that entered, and all that juried! We’ve made our final decisions – and it looks like we will have some great shows – so mark your calendars!


Saturday April 9th, 6p at Blowing Sands Gallery – Recycled Arts & Funtional Arts gallery opening.  Show through May 8th.

Saturday April 16th, 7p & 9:30p at New York Fashion Academy – Trash Fashion Shows.  Ticket on sale through Brown Paper Tickets, and at the store (coming soon!).


Saturday April 1st, 6p at Allied Arts Gallery – Recycled Arts gallery Opening.  Show through April 30th.  

The RE Store – Bellingham will feature a Functional Design gallery for the month of April as well.

Saturday April 23rd, 7p & 9:30p at WWU’s Viking Union Multi-Purpose room – Trash  Fashions Shows. Tickets on sale through WWU’s box office.

Special thanks to our gallery partners and the jury members in both cities:  Robin Worley, Diane Kurzyna aka “Ruby Reusable”, Steve Jensen, David Smith, Katy Borden, Bray Hayden and Jason Darling

Photo credits:  Allie Terrill, Andrew LaFarge Hamill, Briana Knight, Carl Youngmann, Cheri Kopp, Chris Burton, Daniel Kenworthy & Tiana Charron, Graham Schodda, Jessie Wixom & Carson Massie, Julia Haack, and Miriam Gray