We admit it – we are junkies. We love junk – and by junk we mean stuff that someone doesn’t want anymore. It is trash or leftovers to them. More specifically, we love high-quality junk that you can use to build, remodel, adorn, beautify and upgrade any sort of structure or landscaped area with. Junk is a term of endearment that some of us use to describe the river of used building supplies that is our passion and livelihood.
We love it: your junk, your neighbors junk, your uncle’s junk, our contractor cousin’s junk. We want it and we want to help you get some quality junk for yourself.
Junk always has a story of where it came from, what it was used for, what else it was transformed into, and why. Those stories can have a lot of fascinating, odd, and quirky details that would be lost to the incinerator, the tub grinder or the landfill without people like us. Are you a junkie too?
Tell us your story. Tell us about how you have taken something you got at The RE Store, added some of your own scrounged or found junk, and made something useful, beautiful, or provocative with.